Title / Link | Year | Short Description | Venue / Address | Country | Link Website |
Permanent | The »Mission KI« is just the beginning on the path of the Deutsches Museum Bonn to becoming the central experience location for artificial intelligence in North Rhine-Westphalia. By 2022, parts of the former indigenous permanent exhibition will make space for new, recurring experiences. Our goal is to become an exciting and forgotten information forum on AI for you. | Deutsches Museum Bonn, im Wissenschaftszentrum Ahrstraße 45 D-53175 Bonn | Germany | https://www.deutsches-museum.de/ https://www.deutsches-museum.de/bonn/information/aktuell/veranstaltungen-2021/mission-ki/ | |
Permanent | In the Factory, humans come face-to-face with machines! Discover the mechanisms of artificial intelligence, interact with machines and develop algorithms! | Le Vaisseau, Strasbourg | France | https://www.levaisseau.com/en/explore-our-exhibitions/the-factory/ | |
Permanent (since 02.04.2019) | What is a robot? Are household vacuum cleaners? What about drones? And the famous C3PO from Star Wars? The new permanent exhibition "Robots" questions your students about their representations and invites them to explore the science and industry of contemporary robotics. How do robots work? What are they made of? What are they capable of? What places do they occupy in our societies? More than a fun exhibition alongside real working robots, "Robots" is a particularly rewarding interactive adventure. | La Cité des sciences et de l'industrie 30 avenue Corentin Cariou 75019 Paris | France | https://www.cite-sciences.fr/fr/au-programme/expos-permanentes/les-expositions/robots/lexposition/ | |
Permanent | Artificial Intelligence meets Music. AI x Music is an exhibition about the encounter between Artificial Intelligence and music, as well as human creativity and technical perfection. Music might be the most emotional of all art forms, but it is also deeply connected to mathematics, to the physics of sound production, and to the craftmanship of instrument makers. This means that from the very beginning, the history of music is also the history of the instruments, tools, and devices needed to perform it, record it, and reproduce it. | ARS Electronica Center Ars-Electronica-Straße 1, 4040 Linz, Austria | Austria | https://ars.electronica.art/center/en/exhibitions/aixmusic/ | |
Ongoing (no dates communicated) | The irony of artificial intelligence is that it inspires new perspectives on human intelligence. From AI in the home to robots in the workplace, the presence of AI all around us compels us to question its potential and recognize the risks. What has become clear is that the more we advance AI technology and consider machine ability versus human ability, the more we need to mind the gap. Join us in shining light on the tremendous promise, unforeseen impacts, and everyday misconceptions of AI in this riveting, interactive exhibition. | MIT Museum 314 Main Street Gambrill Center Building E-28 Cambridge, MA 02142 | USA | https://mitmuseum.mit.edu/exhibitions/ai-mind-the-gap | |
Permanent (since October 2018) | Since the end of October 2018, visitors have been able to get to know spectacular robots such as Beppo, Pepper, Aibo or Cozmo and current applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the “Human, Robots!” Area. You will learn how robots move, how they see, whether they can think and feel, and how they learn independently. The visitors not only get an overview of the current developments, but can also try out a lot. A particular highlight of the exhibition is Beppo, an industrial robot that tirelessly sweeps patterns with its broom. But he observes his environment and reacts to the visitors, develops human traits, gets angry, calms down again and in this way communicates with the visitors. | Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum, Fürstenallee 7 D-33102 Paderborn | Germany | https://www.hnf.de/dauerausstellung/ausstellungsbereiche/global-digital/mensch-roboter-leben-mit-kuenstlicher-intelligenz-und-robotik.html | |
From 29.01.2025 until November 2025 | Artificial intelligence has long been part of our everyday lives - but how does it actually work? You can find out in the new special exhibition Mission AI at the Innovation and Quality Center (IQZ) in the German Museum of Technology. | Technikmuseum Berlin | Germany | https://technikmuseum.berlin/ausstellungen/sonderausstellungen/zu-gast-bei-uns-mission-ki/ | |
From 03.12.2024 | Theme zone about Artificial Intelligence at the science museum Technopolis | Technopolis, Technologielaan 1, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium | Belgium | ||
Planned for spring 2024 | Experimenta / AI Pavillon, Heilbronn | Germany | |||
29.01.2022 - 28.10.2024 (and traveling…) | A. I. or Artificial Intelligence – a technology that increasingly finds its way into our everyday lives. On one hand, it can make life easier in certain areas and complement human abilities, but A. I. can also cross boundaries. “I AM A. I. – Artificial Intelligence Explained” addresses questions surrounding A. I.: Can an A. I. solve problems without understanding them?, Does an A. I. learn from its mistakes?, Can an A. I. decipher and read handwriting?, How can an A. I. write poetry?, Can an A. I. replace musicians in a band? 14 interactive stations enable visitors to look at Artificial Intelligence from different angles and learn more about both its possibilities and limitations. Exciting experiments, videos and images show the mathematical methods behind the technology that vividly convey how A. I. works and where it is applied. | Traveling exhibition, so far showcased in Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, Jena, Wolfsburg and Wismar | Germany (traveling Exhibition) | https://www.i-am.ai/exhibition.html | |
18.11.2023 - 17.03.2024 | An exhibition about the history, functioning, creative possibilities, and ethical and legislative challenges of artificial intelligence today. Experiment with AI, find out about its risks, discover scientific and artistic innovations, and explore a decisive technology for the future of humankind. | Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona Montalegre, 5 - 08001 Barcelona | Spain | https://www.cccb.org/en/exhibitions/file/ai-artificial-intelligence/240941 | |
21.06.2023 - 20.01.2024 | The new season at Science Gallery London takes a questioning and playful look at the ways artificial intelligence is already shaping so many areas of our lives - from our healthcare and justice systems to how we look after our pets. Who holds the power, who distributes the benefits, and who bears the burden of existing AI systems? Can we rely on these technologies for our wellbeing and happiness? | Science Gallery, London | United Kingdom | https://london.sciencegallery.com/ai-season | |
30.11.2023 - 21.01.2024 | The light in this giant mask gives you an impression of how facial recognition software might work: it measures the size and connection between your eyes, mouth, nose and ears. And there it is, a match in the database. But every now and then you’ll notice a glitch in the artwork – this process isn’t as flawless as one might think, argues MAST. The result? Unlawful arrests, or even mishaps with criminals. With this artwork, the artists want to raise questions about whether algorithms are free of prejudices like racism or sexism. Is AI objective? For now, that might be an illusion... | Studio MAST @ Lights Festival, Amsterdam | The Netherlands | https://amsterdamlightfestival.com/en/artworks/is-it-really-you | |
02/02/2024 - 03/11/2024 | Calculer, prévoir, décider, apprendre, agir et réagir, les technologies d’intelligence artificielle nous imitent de mieux en mieux, …jusqu’à nous remplacer ? Viens faire le point sur l’IA et ses multiples applications et enjeux, dans cette expo immersive au cœur de la machine. | Quai des Savoirs, Toulouse | France | https://quaidessavoirs.toulouse-metropole.fr/exposition/exposition-ia-double-je/ | |
04.02.2023 - 21.05.2023 | Das vom Kunstmuseum Stuttgart und dem Museum Marta Herford entwickelte Ausstellungsprojekt beschäftigt sich mit künstlerischen Perspektiven auf die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI). Die Grundlage von KI bilden Algorithmen, die bereits heute – sichtbar wie unsichtbar – Einfluss auf politische, wirtschaftliche und soziale Abläufe haben. Als Schlüsseltechnologie des 21. Jahrhunderts ist KI längst in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommen. Mit ihr verbinden sich sowohl Hoffnungen als auch Bedenken. | Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Stuttgart | Germany | https://www.kunstmuseum-stuttgart.de/ausstellungen/shift | |
2023? | Holo-Math is a live experience in mixed reality that gives participants an immersive journey to interact with mathematical concepts. | Maison des Maths, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris | France | https://holo-math.org/ | |
22.06.2022 | Me, Myself & AI, a new AI exhibition, is now open at the Finnish Science Centre Heureka. The exhibition introduces visitors to the basics of AI development, interaction between people and AI-operated robots, and the social dimensions of AI development in a fun and interactive way. AI is already part of our everyday lives in various ways. Because AI is built by us, we should also together think about what we want AI to be like and how we want to use it. | HEUREKA The Finnish Science Centre P.O. Box 166, 01301 Vantaa | Finland | https://www.heureka.fi/exhibition/artificial-intelligence/?lang=en | |
13.11.2021 - 09.08.2022 | Ab sofort machen wir aus der vermeintlichen Zauberformel "KI" ein echtes Ausstellungserlebnis über "Künstliche Intelligenz". Willkommen in der schönen neuen Digitalwelt! Wir haben spannende Räume mit vielen interaktiven Stationen gestaltet. Freut euch auf fünf Themenbereiche rund um die lernende Computertechnik in Heim und Freizeit, bei der Arbeit, in der Stadt oder in der Gesellschaft generell. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, wer KI eigentlich managt und was die Technologie für uns bedeutet. Es geht um Alltägliches, um es gemeinsam mit euch zu hinterfragen. Betreten wir das perfekte Paradies oder eine algorithmische Apokalypse? | DASA Dortmund Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25, 44149 Dortmund | Germany | https://www.dasa-dortmund.de/ausstellungen/kuenstliche-intelligenz | |
06.11.2021 - 28.08.2022 | A large new exhibition on AI by the Hygiene Museum in Dresden. Risks and potential of AI in our everyday life. How does this affect our right to self-determination, social justice and geopolitical conditions? It will also be about showing individual and political room for maneuver. Exhibition space 800 square meters | Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Lingnerplatz 1 01069 Dresden | Germany, Dresden | https://www.dhmd.de/ausstellungen/kuenstliche-intelligenz/ | |
25.09.2021 - 18.12.2021 | Im Rahmen der Prager Buchmesse Svět knihy und der etablierten Literaturreihe Das Buch eröffnen wir unseren Themenraum unter dem Titel Wer hat Angst vor künstlicher Intelligenz? Die interaktive Installation, die im Zeitraum von 25.09. bis 18.12.2021 im 1. Stock zu sehen sein wird, entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für formale und angewandte Linguistik der Mathematisch-physikalischen Fakultät der Karls-Universität, mit dem Projekt THEaiTRE und der Firma Alpha Industries s.r.o. Sie werden die Möglichkeit haben, selbst mit künstlicher Intelligenz in Verbindung mit Wort, Text, Sprache oder Literatur künstlerisch zu experimentieren. | Goethe-Institut Masarykovo nábřeží 32 110 00 Prag 1 | Czech Republic, Prag | https://www.goethe.de/ins/cz/de/ver.cfm?fuseaction=events.detail&event_id=22345411 | |
03.04.2021 - 02.05.2021 | What is the relationship between art and artificial intelligence (AI)? Can AI become a tool for the contemporary artist? Does AI look at a painting the way we do? Can AI eventually do the job of a curator? The FLOW-project brings together AI expert Luc Steels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and world renowned Belgian painter Luc Tuymans to investigate. | BOZAR Centre for fine Arts, Bruxelles | Belgium | https://www.bozar.be/en/activities/171222-secrets | |
19.11.2019 - 29.03.2020 | The visitors not only get an overview of the current developments, but can also try out a lot. A particular highlight of the exhibition is Beppo, an industrial robot that tirelessly sweeps patterns with its broom. But he observes his environment and reacts to the visitors, develops human traits, gets angry, calms down again and in this way communicates with the visitors. | Mori Art Museum Japan, Tokyo | Japan | https://www.mori.art.museum/en/exhibitions/future_art/index.html | |
12.09.2019 - 24.2.2020 | “Training Humans”, conceived by Kate Crawford, AI researcher and professor, and Trevor Paglen, artist and researcher, is the first major photography exhibition devoted to training images: the collections of photos used by scientists to train artificial intelligence (AI) systems in how to “see” and categorize the world. | Fondazione Prada, Milan | Italy | http://www.fondazioneprada.org/project/training-humans/?lang=en | |
28.05.2019 - 01.06.2020 | Understanding AI provides a broad basis of information to help us navigate this complex field. What is artificial intelligence? And what do we actually know about human intelligence? How intelligent can artificial intelligence be in comparison? And more importantly: what effects will the advances in this field have on our society? | ARS Electronica Center Ars-Electronica-Straße 1, 4040 Linz, Austria | Austria | https://ars.electronica.art/center/en/exhibitions/ai/ (link redirects to something else now, 16.02.24) | |
16.05.2019 - 17.10.2020 | A traveling exhibition on a boat, touring through Germany and Austria in the German Year of AI 2019 | MS Wissenschaft (Science Ship) | Germany, Austria | https://www.wissenschaftsjahr.de/2019/neues-aus-der-wissenschaft/mai-2019/ms-wissenschaft-mit-ki-die-zukunft-gestalten/ | |
04.12.2019 - 17.12.2019 | For almost two years, the association, accompanied by a dozen experts in the field, has been working on this exhibition. Composed of both popular literature and experiences, it allows young and old alike to discover artificial intelligences and how they work. | Maison de l’Ile-de-France, 9D Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris Cité internationale universitaire de Paris | France | https://location.partageonslessciences.com/intelligences-artificielles-lexposition | |
05.10.2019 - 20.12.2019 | A new exhibition which follows on from the exhibition "The IT spirit" and which allows us to learn more about artificial intelligence at the heart of our daily lives, the impact on the evolution of professions, but above all which invites everyone to discover that we know more than we think about the functioning of digital technology and the mathematical sciences which are the basis of its principles. | Cité des Métiers des Côtes d'Armor, Ploufragan | France | https://www.centre-sciences.org/ressources/ia-lesprit-informatique | |
14.09.2019 - 12.10.2019 | As part of the 2019 Science Year on Artificial Intelligence, five walls were designed in the city center of Freiburg in cooperation with the artists' collective Kulturaggregat e.V. The motifs were created in an exchange between AI researchers from the University of Freiburg and street artists. You can marvel at the result at various locations in Freiburg's city center and in an exhibition. | Kulturagregat e.V. Hildastraße 5 79102 Freiburg | Germany | http://www.nexusexperiments.uni-freiburg.de/stawafo/ (doesn't work, 15.2.24) | |
05.09.2019 - 14.09.2019 | The exhibition “Ideenschmiede KI” in Bikini Berlin with exciting exhibits on the subject of artificial intelligence (AI) invites citizens to learn, be amazed and participate. | Bikini Berlin Budapester Str. 38–50 10787 Berlin | Germany | https://www.wissenschaftsjahr.de/2019/neues-aus-der-wissenschaft/august-2019/ideenschmiede-ki-im-bikini-berlin/index.html | |
10.07.2019 - 31.12.2019 | Four different exhibits and numerous information options offer visitors many opportunities to try out and discover. With the “AI Jam” from IMAGINARY gGmbH, those interested in science compose individual pieces of music - and experience how an AI reacts to it with its own interpretation. n the “Robot Race” of the Fraunhofer Academy, the two avatars “Josie” and “Joe” meet for a virtual race. The figures are controlled by iPads. The goal: to get to the Fraunhofer Academy as quickly as possible and master five tasks on the way that are already often performed by an AI in everyday (work) life. | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Berlin | Germany | https://www.wissenschaftsjahr.de/2019/neues-aus-der-wissenschaft/juli-2019/foyerausstellung-im-bmbf-eroeffnet/index.html | |
15.06.2019 - 23.06.2019 | The exciting world of artificial intelligence (AI) opens up to visitors at the info counter for the Science Year 2019 in the LifeScienceArea, next to the two-storey InnoTruck of the BMBF. The InnoTruck is the BMBF's innovation ambassador. The aim of this “rolling adventure world” with its more than 80 interactive exhibits, virtual reality and three accompanying scientists is to arouse young people's interest in MINT professions. | Ideen Expo GmbH, Hannover | Germany | https://www.wissenschaftsjahr.de/2019/neues-aus-der-wissenschaft/juni-2019/kuenstliche-intelligenz-auf-der-ideenexpo-erleben/index.html | |
16.05.2019 - 26.08.2019 | This major centre-wide ‘festival-style’ exhibition explores creative and scientific developments in AI, demonstrating its potential to revolutionise our lives. Bringing together artists, scientists and researchers, this interactive show offers an unprecedented survey of AI with which you are invited to engage head-on. | United Kingdom | https://www.barbican.org.uk/whats-on/2019/event/ai-more-than-human | ||
03.05.2019 - 24.04.2019 | The ScienceStation on AI shows how and what research is being carried out in Germany and what challenges await us. Between the train and the S-Bahn, visitors can learn many interesting facts about artificial intelligence. You will get to know the most important terms relating to AI and can take a quiz to check whether you are already an AI professional or are still on the way. In cooperation with Deutsche Bahn and the magazine Bild der Wissenschaft, the interactive exhibition ScienceStation is once again going on a journey through Germany's train stations | München / Berlin / Mainz / Nürnberg / Frankfurt / Kassel / Köln | Germany | https://www.wissenschaftsjahr.de/2019/neues-aus-der-wissenschaft/april-2019/bundesweiter-auftakt-der-sciencestation-tour-2019-in-muenchen/index.html | |
06.11.2018 - 18.05.2019 | In 11 stations, the exhibition will show which fundamental upheavals are already taking place in the world of work as a result of AI and robots, and which may still be ahead of us. | Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg | Germany | https://www.shmh.de/ausstellungen/out-of-office-im-museum-der-arbeit/ | |
10.2018 - 02.2019 | The exhibition reflects, through a selection of about fifty robots, on the challenges that humanity faces in the face of the unstoppable development of these machines, and, in addition, on the possibilities they offer to transform the future. | Espacio Fundación Telefónica C/Fuencarral, 3, Madrid | Spain | https://espacio.fundaciontelefonica.com/evento/nosotros-robots/ | |
2019 | L’intelligence désigne un ensemble d’activités du cerveau relatives à la connaissance. Elle englobe la mémorisation, le raisonnement et la résolution de problèmes, l’expression langagière mais aussi la perception. Des ordinateurs sont conçus et programmés pour effectuer des tâches relevant de l’intelligence humaine. Sont-ils pour autant intelligents? | 10 Cr des Alliés, 35000 Rennes | France | https://www.espace-sciences.org/prets-expositions/expositions/intelligence-artificielle | |
13.04.2018 - 31.08.2018 | The new media agency 'OUCHHH' has created a special poetic interpretation of AI. The result is a poetic, emotional and immersive experience, which can be seen continuously in LE STUDIO, inside an old foundry, now converted into an art room, known as Atelier des Lumières. Ouchhh created an Artificial Intelligence and the t-SNE visualization of the hundreds of books and articles [approx. 20 million lines of text] written by scientists who changed the destiny of the world -and wrote history- were fed to the Recurrent Neural Network during the training. This, later on, was used to generate novel text in the exhibition. | Atelier des Lumieres | France | https://www.atelier-lumieres.com/en/poeticai-ouchhh | |
05.04.2018 - 09.07.2018 | This exhibition is an opportunity to experience works of art produced with the help of increasingly sophisticated robots. Featuring works by some forty artists, it offers a gateway to an immersive and interactive digital world - an augmented body sensory experience that subverts our notions of space and time. In an ever more robotic society, these artists explore new technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, which is potentially revolutionising human lives and even the conditions in which artworks are produced, presented, disseminated, conserved and received. These works contain a warning. Although Artificial Intelligence can help us, it also threatens to make itself our master by reducing humans to simple slaves to performance. Artists have extensive experience of this dangerous game: from the first prehistoric cave paintings, they have used technology to achieve a goal and then subjected it to their questions and imaginations. Ever more sophisticated software has given rise to increasingly autonomous works, an ability to generate infinite forms, and interactivity with audiences who permanently modify this game. | Grand Palais, Galeries nationales, 3, avenue du Génèral Eisenhower 75008 Paris | France | https://www.grandpalais.fr/en/event/artists-robots | |
03.11.2017 - 08.01.2018 | To reflecting such awareness as of 2017, this exhibition demonstrates the latest state of AI art by showcasing artists and researchers in Japan and abroad whose works engage with the theme. Centered on visual art, the exhibition also features a variety of genres including music, literature, conceptual art, and research presentation that deal with intelligence in general. Please join us in witnessing the world’s first ever exhibition specialized on the artificial intelligence. | (OIST) Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University 1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun Okinawa, Japan 904-0495 | Japan | https://groups.oist.jp/aiaae | |
28.09.2017 - 29.09.2017 | From self-driving cars to cancer detection, the recent success of A.I. is ubiquitously present in the media. Its impact is starting to become noticeable in our everyday lives through targeted advertising, conversational chatbots and optimized search engines. But what's behind the buzzword, and how does it really work? At this two-day exhibition in the ETH Main Hall, you'll have the chance to learn about the key components that make up modern A.I. technology directly from the people that build and use it. Starting with the basics and working up to exciting real-world applications from companies and startups that make use of A.I. technology, we'll show you how to connect the dots - to see how it all fits together to enable the technology that we see around us. | ETH Zürich Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich | Switzerland, Zürich | https://reatch.ch/events/a-i-connecting-the-dots-superintelligence | |
07.09.2017 - 11.09.2017 | "Artificial Intelligence – the Other I", or the connection between AI and humans was the main topic at the 2017 Ars Electronica Festival, which turned POSTCTITY Linz into a hotspot of media arts for the third time in a row. There were over 100.000 visits to over 600 different events, conferences and lectures, exhibitions and projects, concerts and performances, animations and award ceremonies, guided tours and workshops. | Ars Electronica: Ars-Electronica-Straße 1, 4040 Linz, Austria | Austria | https://ars.electronica.art/aeblog/en/2017/09/11/festival2017/ | |
13.06.2002 - 15.06.2002 | Interaktive Roboter-Tage im Einkaufspark Sillpark Innsbruck | Museumstraße 38, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria | Austria | https://web.archive.org/web/20070520223528/fabula.tv/roboter |